I’m having a wonderful (lol) time! One piece of feedback, that you may not be able to do anything about: midway through book 1, the narrator of the audio files changed and... imo the original narrator was far superior (less likely to pause oddly mid-phrase). I super appreciate you including audio files, but thought now might be the time to mention it.
Thanks for letting me know. The reason that happened is because I had not downloaded all of the files for the first book and lost access to the site. To make sure there were audio files for each chapter I found another site. Not ideal. I was able to go back to the original voice but there are a few chapters where it's the other voice. I will go back to find which those are and update them to all be the same reader. It should be the same reader for at least the next couple of books.
I know I'm late to the party, but I'm having a really good time catching up. I'm an avid reader with a really weird work schedule, so IRL book clubs have always been hard for me, but this has been perfect. I hope to catch up at some point to see all of the excitement in real time, but even if I don't, I'm really glad this is all here! Thank you Erica <3
I’m having a wonderful (lol) time! One piece of feedback, that you may not be able to do anything about: midway through book 1, the narrator of the audio files changed and... imo the original narrator was far superior (less likely to pause oddly mid-phrase). I super appreciate you including audio files, but thought now might be the time to mention it.
Thanks for letting me know. The reason that happened is because I had not downloaded all of the files for the first book and lost access to the site. To make sure there were audio files for each chapter I found another site. Not ideal. I was able to go back to the original voice but there are a few chapters where it's the other voice. I will go back to find which those are and update them to all be the same reader. It should be the same reader for at least the next couple of books.
I know I'm late to the party, but I'm having a really good time catching up. I'm an avid reader with a really weird work schedule, so IRL book clubs have always been hard for me, but this has been perfect. I hope to catch up at some point to see all of the excitement in real time, but even if I don't, I'm really glad this is all here! Thank you Erica <3
It took me a while to catch up with my own schedule so I know what that is like. I'm only now starting to read chapter 1 of the third book!
It is great how you can take your time with it and just join in whenever and however you want. We are glad to have you along on the journey!