I should probably follow Button Bright's example and say "don't know" as a response to any question I can't answer or don't wish to answer.

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In fact, that did become my now almost 8-year-uld granddaughter's approach for a period of time after we met Button Bright in this book. Now having read, along with her, about 35 Oz books, I have to say that the underuse of the very appealing Button Bright character in the series is a bit of a disappointment. Yes, he does reappear, but not often.

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I rather like the Foxes, the horrific violation of Button-Bright aside, but then again by their lights it isn't one, is it? Also, I'm pretty sure "ren" did mean something at some point. Anyways, this one's for the Furries, i guess.

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Man, the nonconsensual body modification in this one is pretty scary.

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